Oreo’s new sitter/groomer Jennifer works at www.doggoneprettyinc.com in Knoxville, TN. Look how much undercoat she got off Oreo! And that’s after I furminated her (Oreo) on Saturday. Oreo is so clean and smooth now, and even has an Easter bandana for Easter Sunday. 🙂
Also good news, I was outside for eleven minutes the other day and Oreo didn’t even get up from her bed; normally she’s waiting anxiously inside the door or going window to window looking for me. Small progress on the separation anxiety front.

Whooooaaaah! Is that another dawg on the grooming stand?
You look so beautiful Oreo, and you’re all growed up too. How proud you make your Momma and all of us!
Woah! Wish we could afford grooming X 4 … Spring has sprung ’round here and the dawgs are molting! Where the heck do they get all that hair!!