We’re blessed to be able to volunteer at the La Follette, TN Habitat for Humanity ReStore. The other volunteers just loved Oreo, of course, and were so sweet and welcoming to both of us. Just one more reason why I love Tennessee!!

Another Amazing Tripawds Three Legged Dog Blog
Oh my gosh Oreo how did I miss this? you are going to make a GREAT mascot for the store. What exactly are you doing in your job there?
We just went to our first Habitat ReStore, got some great deals. Pretty cool stuff!
So far we just sit behind the desk and sort of hold down the fort while the lady in charge runs things. She’s really sweet, and it’s a very pleasant time. Although last week some guy thought he knew Oreo from before she was rescued, tried to call her over to him with a different name. Of course she went to him, she’s so friendly. After that I kept her attached to my waist again with her Iron Doggy hands-free jogging leash. Habitat has also asked me to look at their requirements for a social media volunteer, which I think would be great too. It’s a very well run organization.