So, I stopped blogging back in September when a man passed me while I was running and said, “Good morning, Lee Ann,” and I had never seen him before. I changed training routes and took it offline. I ended up not finishing the training and not doing the marathon due to a number of things, but I’d really like to try again.
Meanwhile, Oreo and I have been busy resisting the current regime. After we helped get Evan McMullin on the ballot in Kentucky and Virginia, we took to social media to help spread the word. Unfortunately, Evan didn’t win. Since then, we’ve gone to the state house in Nashville to urge the electors not to vote for DJT. We went to our senators’ offices and urged them to reject DJTs cabinet nominees (we took the picture so she’s not in it). We did the Women’s March in our home city (in the rain) with 5,000 others. And today we did the #NoBanNoWall walk. It’s been a whirlwind, that’s for sure! She’s been a trooper though, and if we don’t move to Canada or Mexico, we’ll keep at it here until peace and sanity are restored.

I 100% support this activism on many levels!!! Great job, Oreo! You make great protester!
And as far as that marathon …. you’ll get there! Coming from someone who had done 13 marathons and then lost my desire to run when Shelby got sick… it’s been a couple years, priorities have changed and I am ready to get back there! You will do it when your heart tells you want to do it!
alison with spirit shelby in her heart (and little jasper too)
PS – do you think this random stranger had found your blog here and stalked you? Creepy!
Sorry you had to.put the marathon on hold. It’s something you and Oero so enjoyed doing together!
I know people are very impressed when they see how well Oreo is doing on three legs! She is so darn cute!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
RIGHT ON guys. Our hearts are hoppy knowing that even in Tennessee folks like you are working hard to make this upside down world right again. THANK YOU for all you do.
P.S. Really weird about the guy who knew your name. Do you really think it was because of your blog here?
One time a total stranger did the same thing to us. He turned out to be really cool and we’re friends to this day. I don’t blame you for being leery though, I would be too if I was solo.