Hard to believe over a year has gone by since I’ve posted, so sorry! Oreo’s doing fine. It’s pretty hot for her here in Tennessee so we haven’t been going out much. I had been working three job; editing books, teaching ballroom dance, and dog sitting through DogVacay. All three have slowed down tremendously, so I believe God is trying to redirect me to focus on just one or two (okay, just one, but I really don’t want to give up the dog sitting). 🙂
We’ve been working on Oreo’s separation anxiety all year, ever since I crated her to go to the post office and she lost a tooth trying to get out. I came back after 20 minutes and there was blood everywhere, I felt so awful! I broke my beautiful, perfect girl. 🙁 So now we’re up to about 1.5 hours of her alone in the house, but not the crate.
I’ve been thinking about learning to skateboard so she can pull me, she just loves to mush so much. Then I think about how old I am and wonder…should I wait a few more years so I can blame it on senility? 😉

Hi Oreo.
I know it’s hard being away from your wonderful mommy. It will be ok sweetie. You hang in there.
Patches and Ling say hello.
Love you buddy.
So good to hear Oreo is doing so well! And we get to see his handsome picture as he chills out with the a/c!
It sou ds like you’ve made great strides with his separation anxiety. That’s a tough one a d you seem to be on the road to victory
YES! Take up skateboarding!! And we want video! Who knows, you could add “teaching skateboarding”‘to your many careers! 🙂
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!