The move went well. We still have to go back to NH for one more load. Had I known, I would have hired movers.
Oreo did really well in every hotel. Of course everyone just loves her. I forgot to put her Therapy Dog in Training vest in the car and it was packed in the U-Haul for part of the trip, but once I got it and put it on her she had no trouble whatsoever going anywhere with me. Now I just need to find a certification course here in Tennessee so she can complete her training and upgrade to Therapy Dog proper.
She gets along so well with my landlord’s two German Shepherds. They’re puppies though, and play a little too rough for her, so she stays attached to me for now. I still need to find a better plan for grocery shopping, since there’s no delivery service here and I don’t have a regular sitter/daycare yet. So far we put on her jacket and go to Walmart’s food section in through the garden section, quick as we can. I’ve left her in the cabin for a few minutes at a time and so far she hasn’t chewed the doorknob to get out.
Gotta run, going to pick some blackberries.

Ohhh we love picking blackberries! Well, not getting suck with thorns but definitely the end result is a good time.
I’m glad the move went well. Yay! Looks like a sweet place to settle into, you guys are gonna do great. Give Oreo a smooch from us!