We finally got some good weather yesterday and today, and what a difference it has made in people! We went for our run this morning and people actually said good morning back to me! Usually they either just stare or make some snide comment abut Oreo riding in her buggy instead of running. One lady in the parking lot actually did approach and ask if it wasn’t better for the dog to run rather than ride, and when I explained that Oreo has three legs and can run about a mile before riding she turned to her friends and said, “I have to get out of myself more,” meaning to keep an open mind I guess. She was really nice about it. Our total pace was 14:07, but that includes the warm up and cool down walks. Our run pace was actually 13:03. And neither of us was too winded. 🙂
Last Saturday we went to an adoption event for Don’t Dump That Dog, the rescue that pulled Oreo up from Kentucky. Oreo was a little traumatized thinking she was going to stay there, but after a good night’s sleep she realized she’s stuck with me and went back to her happy, silly self. There was an ADORABLE pittie tripawd there named Emma. SUCH a sweet personality. She deserves a really, REALLY good home, and her foster mom is doing an excellent job with her. People local to New England can apply to adopt her at DontDumpThatDog.com (donations are also gratefully accepted).

What a womderful update on so many levels!!
I LOVE Oreo’s picture with the dnation vest!!! How could anyone bypass that cutie pie?!
I’m realy sorry yo’ve had to deal with sich snide and insensitive remarks. And the noseyness too! Unbelievable! It’s sooo important to make sure Oreo doesn’t over-exert and/or cause muscle strain down the road. People have no clue!
We sire get it thoug amd we are soproud of all that Oreo is accomplishing amd contiues to accomplish!
Yo are such a good advocate foryour Oreo! And Oreo is a wonderful Good-Will Ambassador for tripawds everywhere!
Oreo is reaching people amd touching hearts in ways you will mever even know about…but trust me, she is and so are you!
Sending good wishes to that tripawd ittie and all the dogs at that rescue! Yeah, I’m sure poor Oreo’s thought bubble was all about “Please dn’t leave me here!”
Keep this great updates comng AND pictures!! She s such a beautiful girl, sideand out!
Sally and Happy Hannah
What a cheerful post! But then again big surprise, you always have sunshine in whatever you write.
Isn’t it crazy how good weather makes everyone nicer?! And of course Oreo really helps too, who can be grumpy around that sweetheart.
Thanks for the info about the Tripawd for adoption, I’ll look this pup up and put her in our Rescue Forum if she’s still available.
Hey Oreo, just posted Emma’s story. Thanks for letting us know